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Domain Forwarding

Your company realises the need to secure its brand online by registering one or many domain names and ensuring that those domain names redirect anyone who enters them to your existing web site.

Host365's Domain Forwarding solution does just that. Wherever your web site may be, whether with Host365 or another hosting provider or ISP, we can secure your name and make www.yourname.xyz point to that site. In addition, we can provide email redirection so that email addressed to anyperson@yourname.xyz arrives at the email address you specify.

In addition, changes to the forwarded addresses are at your control with 24x7 access to make real time changes to those addresses from our award winning control panel.

All other Host365 services can be quickly applied to the Domain Forwarding name including mail services such as auto responders, POP3 mailboxes (which include our free gateway anti-virus protection) and dns redirection. And of course, if you wish to upgrade the service to one our hosting packages this too can be instantly enabled giving you the flexibility to make fast changes to your internet presence.

Key Features
Keep your ISP - Keep your existing ISP but have the power of a domain name to better brand your business or product
Protection - Secures domain against competitor registration
Control - Instant control of forwarding address if you change isp
Flexible - Easy upgrade to hosting package
Cost effective - Use free space or existing web site to host content for the name
Unlimited email addresses - anything@yourname.xyz will reach you giving you unlimited email addresses
Feature rich - add mail and other services instantly to accommodate


020 7610 9911


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