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Free Anti Virus Protection

The threat to business posed by viruses is immense. Contracting a virus can have drastic effects on your company's ability to carry out its business. The loss of important data can have dire consequences; loss of customer information, loss of accounting data, loss of business while systems are restored, the cost of post infection hardware cleanup (either using internal IT staff or external contractors) to rebuild important systems. In addition, one infected PC can infect the rest on your networked PCs or servers or maybe worse, contract a virus which sends unwelcome "promotional" email to all you email contacts.

Host365 understands this as a key issue for its customers and introduced free anti-virus scanning on all customer mailboxes. Since its introduction, our anti virus scanners have protected our customers from all manner of virus threats with an average infection rate of over 12% of all email received into the Host365 network.

How it works

Mail received into the Host365 mail servers is intercepted by the anti virus scanners for inspection. Any emails found to contain a virus are deleted.

In order to take advantage of our free anti virus scanning, customers must either choose a package which contains POP3 mailboxes or add mailboxes to their existing package.


020 7610 9911

Anti Virus
E-mail Productivity
MS Exchange

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